AdZU Research framework and agenda

“Serving the Communities and Strengthening AdZU through Research”

Our goal is to produce quality, ethical, and relevant research that

Advances Ignatian Spirituality,
Is Dedicated to Holistic Growth and Human Flourishing,
Zealous in Charting Global Paths, and
Unites Us in Purpose and in Action

There are four research pathways to achieve our university mission and research. 

We endeavor to produce studies that brings about Transformative Education that
promotes Stronger Institutions, Society, Industry and Governance
leading to Sustainable Growth and Development
for a Better Mindanao and the World.

AdZU Research framework and agenda 2024 edition

The University Research Framework and Agenda is aligned with the 2024-2029 AdZU Vision and Mission, the United Nations Sustainable Development Program, the Laudato Si, and the 2017 National Ethical Guidelines for Health and Health Related Research, the ADZU Intellectual Property Policy and Guidelines, the ADZU Ethics Guidelines and Principles, and the 2022 ADZU Data Privacy Management Program and Privacy Manual.

By Quality Research we mean studies that are novel, original, have a clear purpose, are logical, and use appropriate theories, methods, and data sources available . To achieve these, proposals and completed research studies must have undergone and passed a technical review made up of qualified and experienced research reviewers.

By Ethical Research, we mean studies that uphold and abide by the universal ethical standards that are free from plagiarism, are unbiased, responsible, transparent , fair, and objective. All university funded-research, research collaborations, and studies conducted by the students and
their professors in the Graduate and Medical Schools must have undergone Ethics Review as evidenced by an issuance of an Ethics Clearance or Exemption issued by a PHREB-Accredited Research Ethics Committee (REC).

By Relevant Research we mean studies that are important, timely, actionable, practical, feasible, innovative, adaptable, impactful, useful,
and beneficial to the university, our community, our city, region and the world; not only at present but also in the years ahead.

Guided specifically by the ADZU mission Zealous in Charting Global Paths, we seek to ensure our instruction, research, and innovations resonate beyond our shores, responding to the evolving realities of society, and building a sustainable future for all. 

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