Step 1. Proponent/s write a draft proposal

Submit to URO along with

  1. Letter of Intent
  2. Timetable and Proposed Budget
  3. Endorsement Letter from dean/principal/office head

Step 2. Proponent/s are interviewed by a review panel organized by URO


The proponent/s may opt to have a presentation. The panel may accept the proposal or suggest improvements.

Step 3. The proponent/s apply for ethics clearance to the chairperson of the Research Ethics Committee (REC)

Step 4. The chair forms a Committee to review the ethical compliance of the proposal.

The REC may accept the proposal or may suggest improvements or clarifications.

Step 5. The URO Director endorse the proposal to the University Research and Publications Council. The URPC approves the proposal for funding and implementation.

Issued by the University Research Office (URO)

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